Picture the scene.
It's a dull rainy Monday and you're on the way to work. You get on to a
crowded bus or train where the floor has already been made extra
slippery from dripping umbrellas. Someone stands next to you who's
holding a wet umbrella. Their umbrella presses up against your leg,
soaking your trousers and bag and drips on the already wet floor. Could
this scene be different? Well, yes, you could quit your job and not go
to work on public transport but is there a better solution to this common umbrella problem?
YES. The KAZbrella
is an evolution of the conventional umbrella. Through many years of
research and engineering we have redesigned the mechanics of the
umbrella whilst maintaining the familiar umbrella look. The KAZbrella is a patented reverse folding umbrella.KAZbrella, how umbrellas should have been.
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